*Additional presentations will be added as they are submitted. Click on the title slide to download the presentation.
Session Block 1 (Tuedsay, May 28th - 9:30am)
Session Block 3: Steal This Idea (Tuedsay, May 28th - 1:45pm)

SAITSA: Coffee Shop
Presented by Jocelyn Colaiezzi and Alexandra Zarnowski
Presented by Jocelyn Colaiezzi and Alexandra Zarnowski

SAMRU: Pinnacle Leadership Challenge
Presented by Shereen Samuels
Presented by Shereen Samuels

Fresh Routes: Community Mobile Food Market
Presented by Anna Johnson and Rob Ironside
Presented by Anna Johnson and Rob Ironside
Session Block 5 (Wednesday, May 29th - 9:30am)

Effective Business Communication
Presented by Avnish Mehta
Presented by Avnish Mehta

Member Relevance and Value Proposition
Presented by Jeff Armour
Presented by Jeff Armour

Voices of Indigenization
Presented by John Fischer (Iniskim Centre)
Presented by John Fischer (Iniskim Centre)
Session Block 6 (Wednesday, May 29th - 11:00am)
Session Block 8 (Wednesday, May 29th - 3:300pm)

Crisis Communications
Presented by Benjamin Morgan
Presented by Benjamin Morgan

Leading from the Margins: Inspiring Student Leadership
Presented by Eddy Robinson
Presented by Eddy Robinson